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Using herbs to reduce stress, and is this pharmaceutical issue in the US real?

For people with high stress levels, or those whose minds are moving 1000 miles a minute with no stop in sight. This article is for you.
This was me during childhood.
My mind jumped around, all day every day. The reason I remember it so clearly is because I was raised in a home that believed spare the rod, spoil the child. And when I didn’t say my ABCs in sequence, I would get a spanking.
I had to do something and fast, the spankings hurt, and I wanted to run away, but didn’t know where to go. Eventually I learned my ABCs. In those days, we started school at kindergarten level, age five.
However, it was later in elementary school that I learned, that the more attention I gave to a subject, the easier it was for me to learn and master the subject.
Fortunately for me, I employed this technique of staying focused until I entered trade school/college.
Somewhere between getting married, living in Europe for a year and starting a career, I forgot how to stay focused. I am learning again how to employ the habit of staying focused, living in the moment, and controlling my stress.
I have even learned that there are natural herbs that can help me reduce my stress, lower…