Member-only story
How to Protect Iraqi Dinar and VND Profits from the IRS, Legally

Question From Channel Subscriber
How do you hide the currency after you purchase when you get there so you can come home with it?? You said don’t travel with more than $10,000 ?? Thanks! Sandy for all your AWESOME INFO
Answer and Explanation
On the Edu Matrix channel we talk about exotic currency news and exotic currency profits. Subscribers were told that it was not a good idea to carry over $10,000 USD cash, due to red flags and questions from Immigration and Boarder Security. Travelers are asked to declare any amount over $10,000.
The viewer asked the question after viewing a video that talked about earning profits in Vietnam using the VND or the USD.
First of all, know that you can travel with any amount of cash, however, any amount over $10,000 is subject to questions and possible detainment until questions and clarification of the cash’s origination is clarified.
That is where foreign bank accounts come into play. DO NOT LIE to your government about your assets, however, as the law stands in the United States, (February 2022) if the profits were never distributed into the United States, there is a good chance the monies are NOT taxable. This law is expected to change in…