Member-only story
Ex-Army wife, I am traveling the world slowly, while retired
I knew when I left Corporate America in my early thirties that I would not have a regular retirement account.
But I could not withstand the confinements of working an eight to four job. I was forunate to meet a wonderful man while attending DeVry in Chicago. And because I was the only girl in the entire school, I pretty much had my choice of who to date.
After my husband to be graduated, he was a year ahead of me, he was drafted into the US Army.
I was determined not to allow his fate to change my mind about marriage. I was silly, and unaware.
RCB and I were married after he got out of basic training. He was buff, strong, tan and fit. Little did I realize; I was marrying the US Army. Silly as I was, I said “I do.”
After graduating from DeVry I went to Fort Lenard Wood Missouri, where RCB and I were married. We lived in a trailer park, that was actually beautiful during the winter months.
RCB received orders to report to Germersheim, Germany. He was highly intelligent and did well enough on his testing to avoid infantry in Vietnam. Instead he became the company clerk for the entire Army Base in Germersheim.
Of course, I went with him. But because of his rank, he did not qualify for Army…