Member-only story
Access and Influence, the Migrants, Trump, Obama, Africa and America’s Greatest Concern

If you are someone who questions how your tax dollars are spent, then you already know the US government is spending big bucks in Africa including the Department of Defense budget which includes troops on the ground.
Without going into the political details, the US is simply not interested in allowing Russia and China to take procession of access and influence in Africa.
There is tooooooo much at stake.
- Population — China, Russia and Africa’s population overwhelms the population numbers.
It is time to tell, face and talk about the bottom line of what America is facing. According to the numbers, the white race is facing extinction.
No, no, no one is going to disappear.
That is not what I mean.
What is happening is descendant of Europe around the world, are not having enough children.
When you add China 1.41 billion, India 1.42 billion, and Africa 1.28 together you get around half of the world’s population. This is not including South America and Mexico.
According to the Pew Research Center, there are 37.2 million Mexican Americans in the United States.