Member-only story
3-Year Old Condo $59,225 USD So Where Are US Retirees Escaping To?

Yes, it’s true, US citizens moving to a safe, clean town, where a three year old condo with furnishings cost $60,000 USD.
While traveling through Miami, Florida, the producer of the Budget Retirement Options channel, learned many people who were born and raised in Florida, were relocating to Columbia for retirement. Florida, is fast becoming too expensive for those with a low monthly retirement income. This was surprising news for Sandy, who was born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area, and she too, could not afford to retire in her own home state. It never occurred to her, or any of us, that people in Florida were having the same concerns. Thus we did the research.
All information is documented, and you can find the links under the video on the channel page, including the Century 21 Global Realtor page link. (I just want you to see that we put this information into videos) One of the most important factors, besides, safety concerns, is the cost of living in Columbia. According to, the cost of living in Columbia is between 60 to 80 percent less, than in the United States.
Yes, thousands of Americans are moving to Columbia. Hang tight for a moment and see why.
Our second surprising fact was, we found this 3 year old condo. in Melgar…